Hypnos, the city of the dead, is a place where those who have passed on can get another life. They live, they work, they have families, all in exchange for drinking from the River Lethe and forever forgetting their lives before... 

Magic is real in Hypnos, fueled by the dreams and memories forgotten in Lethe. Sometimes, those memories crawl from the black waters as vicious Nightmares—horrific creatures that feed on the citizens of Hypnos. 

Some souls in the city, a select number with magical fortitude, are bound by Styx to fight back. These Dream-Eaters, these Morpheus, are the soldiers of Hypnos. 

But what happens when the soldiers start to fail? What happens when the war starts to become lost? 

What happens when a mysterious soul, one with no  memories to begin with, washes up on the shores of Lethe? 

It all starts with a choice...